Personal touch.... really? What?!
POSTED ON Saturday, April 13 AT 13.4.13 \\
While FS is out running errands finding dulang kaki (whatever that means) here I am taking naps in between emails. Maklumlah keje shift. Whattado it's just.... life. Plus no work means no wedding. So well you get my drift.
Meanwhile, Mom asked me to source out for things for the upcoming event. So while browsing, I suddenly had a brilliant idea! Or so I'd like to think. (this is before I kena marah by my mom upside down centre) You know nowadays people are trying to create personal touches for their own events kan? So I thought why not I make my own berkat as well! This is before I thought of the time and effort one requires to do around, say what 1000 berkats?! But people can berangan right? Plus wedding is still a loooooonnng way to go.
I showed my mom these pegs I thought was cute and then we can, you know cepit it on the chocolate or handkerchief or whatever main thing we wanted. Sadly my idea was rejected, she was appalled and start lah her nagging of I-ask-you-to-do-one-thing-but-you-came-up-with-something-so-merepek-i-dont-know-what-is-in-your-mind kind of nag.
Let me show you what I was referring to or what I wanted to do, my own personal touch lah kan. My very own message in a peg! K, the ones below I did those for FS birthday. He had a hard time figuring out where the message is and I had the most hilarious time laughing at him cause he looked so confused like a little boy trying to figure out what Santa gave him for Christmas, k I'm digressing. Anyways, take a look at my 'konon konon' personal touch idea.
Ok so i understand it's a bit rough around the edges but its okay right? Hmm right. And its sooooo simple to do! You just need a liquid paper, one red and black pen and lots of pegs and paper! Apart from my handwritting that is soooo not professional, and the colouring which is sooooo tak betul but it can better what. Appalling meh?! After looking at it again and again and again and again annnnndddd again, maybe Mom might be right afterall.
But a huge A for effort lah hor!
Not yet a bride, but turning into a bridezilla.
POSTED ON Wednesday, April 10 AT 10.4.13 \\
Since FS has already popped the question, reality starts to set in.
Along come the strings of events which to me is no need also can lah. To us it wasnt important or our top priority but as you all know or in turn to come will find out, the wedding isnt about you and him; its us and the world.
So its best as a couple you stick together, iron out the differences and try to not to kill each other in the process.
Good luck eh.
Personal touch.... really? What?!
POSTED ON Saturday, April 13 AT 13.4.13 \\
While FS is out running errands finding dulang kaki (whatever that means) here I am taking naps in between emails. Maklumlah keje shift. Whattado it's just.... life. Plus no work means no wedding. So well you get my drift.
Meanwhile, Mom asked me to source out for things for the upcoming event. So while browsing, I suddenly had a brilliant idea! Or so I'd like to think. (this is before I kena marah by my mom upside down centre) You know nowadays people are trying to create personal touches for their own events kan? So I thought why not I make my own berkat as well! This is before I thought of the time and effort one requires to do around, say what 1000 berkats?! But people can berangan right? Plus wedding is still a loooooonnng way to go.
I showed my mom these pegs I thought was cute and then we can, you know cepit it on the chocolate or handkerchief or whatever main thing we wanted. Sadly my idea was rejected, she was appalled and start lah her nagging of I-ask-you-to-do-one-thing-but-you-came-up-with-something-so-merepek-i-dont-know-what-is-in-your-mind kind of nag.
Let me show you what I was referring to or what I wanted to do, my own personal touch lah kan. My very own message in a peg! K, the ones below I did those for FS birthday. He had a hard time figuring out where the message is and I had the most hilarious time laughing at him cause he looked so confused like a little boy trying to figure out what Santa gave him for Christmas, k I'm digressing. Anyways, take a look at my 'konon konon' personal touch idea.
Ok so i understand it's a bit rough around the edges but its okay right? Hmm right. And its sooooo simple to do! You just need a liquid paper, one red and black pen and lots of pegs and paper! Apart from my handwritting that is soooo not professional, and the colouring which is sooooo tak betul but it can better what. Appalling meh?! After looking at it again and again and again and again annnnndddd again, maybe Mom might be right afterall.
But a huge A for effort lah hor!
Not yet a bride, but turning into a bridezilla.
POSTED ON Wednesday, April 10 AT 10.4.13 \\
Since FS has already popped the question, reality starts to set in.
Along come the strings of events which to me is no need also can lah. To us it wasnt important or our top priority but as you all know or in turn to come will find out, the wedding isnt about you and him; its us and the world.
So its best as a couple you stick together, iron out the differences and try to not to kill each other in the process.
Good luck eh.
Azreen Aziz
I live in my own little world; but it's okay they know me here
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